3D BabyVision Fetal Imaging Frequently Asked Questions

and Information about about 3D and 4D Ultrasound!

The fourth dimension is time, which means that your baby can be viewed in real time. You will see your baby moving, and, with a little luck, you might catch a yawn, a hiccup or even thumb sucking.

3D BabyVision Fetal Imaging requests that you have the results of your routine 18-20 week ultrasound, which is required by your health care provider for diagnostic purposes, before your first 3D BabyVision Fetal Imaging session.

Images are obtained between 14-34 weeks of pregnancy. Up to 24 weeks gestation, your baby is likely to be so small that the entire body will appear within the image frame at once. Images taken beyond 28 weeks most closely resemble features at birth as your baby’s fat deposits have been laid down and “fill out” your baby’s face. Ideally, the best images are obtained between 26-32 weeks of gestation. Heavier set or more full-figured mothers should make an appointment for 30-34 weeks. Image quality varies from scan to scan depending on many factors including fetal position, location of the placenta, quantity of amniotic fluid around the baby and maternal body habitus. For these reasons, the quality of images cannot be guaranteed.

Your 3D BabyVision Fetal Imaging ultrasound session is for non-diagnostic purposes only. We request that your routine 18-20 week diagnostic scan, as ordered by your health care provider, be completed, and that you have received the results before the 3D BabyVision Fetal Imaging session. We encourage you to discuss having a 3D BabyVision Fetal Imaging ultrasound session with your health care provider.

No. 3D BabyVision Fetal Imaging offers a completely non-diagnostic service which does not replace any element of your prenatal care. You must be under the care of a health care provider to use our service, and we urge you to consult your health care provider if you have any concerns about your pregnancy.

At 3D BabyVision Fetal Imaging, highly skilled and licensed ultrasonographers with many years of experience perform the imaging procedure. Their efficient professionalism ensures timely, optimal imaging, making the most of your ultrasound session.

Gender assessment is an optional feature and will not be disclosed to you without your request. Gender assessment if desired is included with all packages and can be obtained after 14 weeks of pregnancy. Adequate fetal positioning is essential to assessing the baby’s gender. The ultrasonographer will give you her or his best assessment.

Yes, ultrasound appointments should be made as early as possible! Weekends and evenings are the most popular appointment times.

Overall hydration increases the amount of amniotic fluid around the baby which translates into better pictures. It is important that you drink lots of water in the days leading up to your 3D/4D ultrasound. We suggest drinking at least 6 to 8 glasses of water per day, in addition to any other liquid, for two weeks before your scan. On the day of your 3D/4D ultrasound scan however, we will have you empty your bladder before beginning as to optimize visualization. This is different from traditional ultrasounds!

Yes, ultrasound has been used safely in obstetrics for over 30 years. There is no evidence of any harmful effects from the use of ultrasound. We believe in informed consent, and therefore offer you the following link and ask you to form your own opinion.

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